Google on Thursday introduced a new feature for its Android devices that would let users in India and several other countries surf the web without a constant Internet connection. “When you’re connected to free, unmetered WiFi, Chrome will automatically download relevant articles, based on what content is most popular in your location,” said Amanda Boss, Product Manager, Offline Chrome for Android. The automatically downloaded content would be available alongside all of the downloaded content available for access anytime,even without an Internet connection. Chrome on Android would be available in over a 100 countries including India, Nigeria, Indonesia and Brazil. Users who update to the latest version of Chrome on Android in Google Play Store would be able to use this feature. Try out the latest version of Google Chome and let us know about your review of free surfing in comment section below! Happy Offline Surfing!
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile game is published by Tencent Games and is available for Android and iOS (i.e., iPhone). The game is currently undergoing a phased roll-out, from 19 March 2018, but it is a global roll-out and it's available in the UK and other territories on Android. The iOS version is also available. You can find the Android version on Google Play and the iOS version on the Apple App Store . PUBG basic game play- There are three modes of play: solo, duo and squad, with the latter letting you team up with three other players for a team of four. Each is a little different with various pros and cons, the big pro of team play being that have people to support you, revive you and bring an element of co-operative tactics to the game. The game starts with you parachuting onto the game island. On landing your mission is to gather everything you can to help you win, from clothes to medical supplies to weapons, with a wide ra...